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Name a star after your loved one and get it framed with constellation chart and location of the star.
A beautiful and romantic frame to recreate the alignment of the stars above you during a special moment.
Name 2 stars – one after your loved one and one after yourself – and make your gift last for life.
A set of 5 polaroid fridge magnets customised with pictures and complemented with a marker.
Name an actual star after someone you love and remind them that they mean the universe to you.
A customised wooden easily packaged in a handcrafted black box to make it a simple and personalised gift.
Spell the name of your loved ones with their pictures and make a simple collage seem like so much more.
Frame your most beautiful memories with their respective dates on this nostalgic gift.
Name a Star after your loved one and get it framed with a constellation chart. You can personalize the frame with their picture too.